Select a package to get started
All prices include a 30-day money back guarantee.
Featured Package
List a Featured Item for 30 days!
Includes up to 5 images
Featured Item Category
The Works Package
List a FULL Featured Item for 30 days!
Includes up to 10 images
Includes up to 5 videos
Featured Item Category
Item displayed on our homepage
Include item in multiple categories
Featured Package
- List a Featured Item for 30 days!
- Includes up to 5 images
- Featured Item Category
The Works Package
- List a FULL Featured Item for 30 days!
- Includes up to 10 images
- Includes up to 5 videos
- Featured Item Category
- Item displayed on our homepage
- Include item in multiple categories
How does it work?
It's quick and easy to get started - learn how.
Step 1
Set up your account on fleabay.
Step 2
Select the Post Ad button on the home page.
Step 3
Follow all the steps to describe the item you are selling.
Step 4
That's it! Your item will show up on fleabay as soon as an admin has reviewed and approved it.